
An automated order placement platform accessible via whatsapp. Automate the order booking process over whatsapp via smart AI powered chatbot.

Android Java Kotlin MVVM AWS Jetpack Components RxJava3 Dagger2 Retrofit


Features productive games for kids that not only entertain but also help build cognitive skills in children.

Android Java Kotlin MVP AWS Database Room WebView Dagger2 Retrofit

Eklavya Study

Provide free study materials, video tutorials, and notes to personalize learning in a better manner. Teachers can upload new materials via Login.

Android Java MVVM RxJava2 WorkManager SQLite Material Design YT Data API

Wallset Official

An automated wallpaper app powered by AI and crazy customizations.

Android Java Kotlin MVVM AWS RxJava3 Jetpack Components Dagger2 Retrofit


Safe Internet Browser for kids that allows them to visit only approved web pages and sites to safely surf the Internet.

Android Java Kotlin MVP SQLite Material Design Retrofit

Mentorship Redesign

Matches women in tech to mentor each other, on career development, through 1:1 relations during a certain period of time.

Android Kotlin Figma AdobeXd Material Design UX Design Redesign


A chain of Hotels in varied locations offering best in class service to travelers of every style with hand-full of options.

Flutter Dart Firebase Cloud Firestore Material Design Phone Auth

ML Navigation

Cross-platform application to perform the basic user navigation with face movement and hand gestures for easy accessibility.

Python PyQT5 Dlib Face Landmark NumPy OpenCV


A light weight openGL parallax slideshow live wallpaper with tons of customizations.

Android Java MVVM Room OpenGL ES3 GLW Service

Portfolio Website

You are looking at it already. Minimal Design Static website with typography support for large displays.

HTML CSS JavaScript Bootstrap 4.5 SASS ExpressJS NodeJS Nodemailer
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